Sunday, June 8, 2008

Adjust Your Diet For Better Health

Do you want to get well and stay well? Find out how to use Litmus paper in conjunction with an alkaline diet in order to become healthy.

Acid Or Alkaline - Which is Healthy?

Acidity and alkalinity in the body are measured by the pH (potential of hydrogen) scale. Water has a pH of 7.0 and is considered neither acid or alkaline but neutral.

An acid body is unhealthy. While each organ has its own pH balance, it is generally agreed that a healthy person's saliva will register between 7.2 and 7.5

If your pH is between 6. and 6.5, you are becoming acidic and therefore developing one or more of 150 degenerative diseases. These will take time to develop, and perhaps you have been diagnosed with one at this time, because of your ongoing acidity.

If your pH is below 6.0, then you are highly acidic. You will have become very mineral deficient and have definitely developed illnesses and disease at this point.

First Test To See Where You are

So purchase the pH Litmus paper, also known as Litmus paper, which measures your pH and you will know which path you are on - Acidic diet leading to bad health or alkaline diet leading to good health.

You may be able to find this at your drugstore, although it is getting more difficult. I have added it in my product section on my site to make sure that people have access to it.

Use Diet to balance your pH

Some one emailed and said that they were trying to put together a more alkaline diet for themselves. For a beginner, this may seem Like an insurmountable task. Especially if you have eaten the typical American Diet.

So to start a better diet, First you need to know which foods are considered acidic and which are alkaline.

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